Stretches south-to-north along the
Rio de la Plata
, has been the gateway to
for centuries. Portenios, the multinational
people of Buenos Aims are known; possess an elaborate and rich cultural
identity. They value their European
heritage highly. Italian and German
names outnumber Spanish, and the lifestyle and architecture are markedly more
European than any other in
South America
The national dance, the
Tango, is perhaps the best expression of that spirit-practiced in dance halls,
parks, open plazas, and ballrooms, it is a dance of intimate separation and
common rhythm, combining both an elegant reserve and an exuberant passion.
Buenos Aires
is, arguably, the shopping capital of
Latin America
. Argentine women (and men) are very well known
for their impeccable style and immaculate grooming.
is a huge pedestrian shopping strip where locals
and tourists gather to do some serious shopping. W also features side
attractions such as Tango dancers and mimes.
Argentinean “asado”
(barbecue) is the most common meal in the
region, where Buenos Aims resides, because of
the large number of cattle, the variety of grasses, and breed improvement.
Formerly, cows were roasted as a whole in a ceremony which could last for forty