Blair Castle


Blair Castle stands in its grounds near the village of Blair Atholl in Perthshire in Scotland. It is the home of the Clan Murry family, who hold the title of Duke of Atholl, though the current (11th) Duke lives in South Africa.


The Castle is said to have been started in 1269 by John I Comyn, Lord of Badenoch, a northern neighbour of the Earl of Atholl, who started building on the Earl's land while he was away on crusade

It commands a strategic position on the main route through the Central Scottish Highlands. Lowland Clan Agnew held Blair Castle, seat of the Duke of Atholl, against the Jacobites who laid siege to the castle during the Jacobite uprising of 1745-1746. They were besieged to near starvation until the Jacobite forces withdrew to fight the British Government forces at the Battle of Culloden.


The Blair Castle also provides the garrison for the Atholl Highlanders, the private army of the Duke of Atholl, noted as the only legal private army in Europe. 


Diana’s Grove Grand Fir on the grounds of the castle, which has been measured at 206 feet, is the third tallest tree in the United Kingdom.


An old, unnamed castle we passed on the way


The BEST sign we've ever seen on a tourist stop, anywhere in the world



The grounds are exceptionally well cared for



The great hall


This ceiling was built without a single nail! 

Old battle dress are on the walls , as are other very old armaments




















That's a lot of deer!


By the way, during one stop to attempt to buy our sons a fly for fishing,

we were in a dirt road, in a woods.  We heard the Roe Deer calling. 

 It was rutting season and they seemed to both loud and close.



Oh, apropos of nothing, we stopped in the terrific cafeteria under the castle, and Jackie got  what she claims to be, the best dessert she has ever had



Yep, pretty darn big!


Again - no pictures inside other than the grand hall - so out we go to see the grounds





















Out the road on castle grounds - off to our next stop


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