Jordan - Petra
The guide met us at the airport, and the said, "this isn't Egypt!"
Our fist stop was - believe it - Safeway!
Strangely enough, a retired fiend of ours worked for Safeway. When we laughed and told him about this "first stop" he told us he was offered the job of helping to build this Safeway and manage the fruit & vegetable department - he turned it down.
All houses MUST have white marble - depending upon what district or block you're on,
it can go from all four outer walls to just one.
O Madaba, the oldest preserved ancient mosaic map of the Holy Lands.
Mosaics are a major art form and industry in this area
On the road to Petra
Black tents, above, belong only to Bedouins
Beware the third cup pf coffee!
The mount peak above Petra where Moses brother
is buried
The "Entrance" to Petra
Under the watchful eyes of camels and horses
we walk the 2.5 k to Petra
Some ride - carriages or horses
Tombs on along the path
Into the SIG
Looking up - a lot!
Hidden water troughs
On the left - for people; On the right - for animals
At the time they were completely hid den
Look for Roman paving stones
Yes, it gets pretty narrow & dark
Look for carvings in the walls -
Can you see the out line of the very famous camel carving?
And further down we go
And our Tourist Police companion (a really nice guy) said -
"Close your eyes and let me lead you a few steps -
don't open them until I tell you to."
Yes - the Treasury!
We'll NEVER get as good a picture as you see in magazines!
Out of the Sig
Into a grand panaroma!
The top of the Treasury, above, where soldiers
& Bedouins shot - thinking it full of money
Steps carved into the wall beside the Treasury
where workers climbed to carve out the building
Inside the single room in the Trasury
some of the most spectacular "carvings" are made by weathering
Tombs are everywhere
Spectacular buildings surround you
As do steps to no-where and paths to the heights
And then there's the stage / theater /coliseum
The Bedouins "owned Petra and lived their day-to-day lives there,
up until the government saw Petra as their "oil wells" for tourist trade. So they paid the Bedouins a large sum of cash, gave them sole rights for all Petra shops selling to the tourists, and built them the village pictured below, high upon a ridge looking down on Petra.
Bedouin shop, using old tomb as a storage area
More carvings, tombs and a temple, on the long way up and out the Sig
The horses provided to tourists are from this organization -
They are exceptionally beautiful & full of themselves
(both the horses and the riders)
We leave Petra and the Mountain guarding it.
The road back - passing an ancient grave yard
More desert tents and desert towns
One of the rarer green spots with camels, sheep and cows
The famous rail road protected by the more famous
Lawrence of Arabia
The fort from which he rode